Master your


reach ultimate


Breathwork to achieve
your greatness
in record time

Breathwork and meditation

don't always live up to the hype - here's why.

-It’s too boring.

-You're too busy.

-It's too complicated or spiritual, and doesn't work.

If you’re looking for an easy way to tap into pure bliss and activate your joy
without drugs, shamans or retreats...
This page holds the key.

Are you ready to stop feeling overwhelmed or stressed by daily life?
Want to prioritize your health without sacrificing fun?
Are you having trouble getting quality sleep?
Are you tired of feeling disconnected from those closest to you?

A new era of self-development will
breathe life into your journey with our

fun meditation approach.

Become the person you were meant to be in only a few minutes per week with

breathe your freedom,

our accessible breathwork program to feel joy, every day.

A little taste of BYF

Freedom, Peace, Joy, Clarity, Health

is just a few breaths away!


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No time? No worries.

Self-paced for today’s busy life.

Benefits of

breathe your freedom






Join thousands around the world who have used the superpower of our work to upgrade their lives.

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Our Clients

What is the

fun meditation approach?

Think of our breathwork as the cool cousin of regular meditation. 
We are spicing up your practice with unexpected music from
world-class artists so that it’s less “blah” and more “ahhh.”

Instead of feeling like a chore,

breathe your freedom

is the program you’ll actually look forward to
as it’s based on the concept of Blissipline.


Be Svendsen 

The Human Experience 

David Hohme 

Francesca Lombardo 

Random Rab 

Gone Gone Beyond 

Eduardo Castillo 

And many more…

Still have questions?

This program is for anyone who wants to upgrade their lives, whether you’re new to meditation or an experienced seeker.

For beginners: We will help you get started with meditation, we offer tips and tricks that will jumpstart your journey to unlocking your potential.

To seasoned seekers: We can help deepen your practice and increase the benefits you get from breathwork. We’ll introduce new techniques that keep breathwork fresh and fun—so that it’s easy for you to do every day!

Most people begin feeling the benefits of our breathwork techniques at the first session. 

Breathe Your Freedom program was designed as a way to make meditation accessible, with our Fun Meditation Approach. Our unique way of teaching, combined with fantastic and diverse music, makes each session a unique, enjoyable journey.

Blissipline is a concept that revolutionizes traditional discipline, into an easier and more joyful practice. Following your highest excitement is foundational to finding hapinness in the process itself rather than focusing solely on having to do something to achieve the outcome. To live with more ease, we move from forcing to allowing. This involves being in connection with yourself, to do what will bring you the most joy, rather than simply doing things out of a sense of obligation or pressure. By cultivating a deeper sense of inner peace in all areas of life, you can experience more bliss.
We know that sometimes people get bored and/or plateau in their practice. We want everyone to feel encouraged and excited to continue. That’s why we designed this program in a way that makes meditation fun again so you can get back on track to reaching your potential and accomplishing your goals without forcing it.
Breathe Your Freedom Program is self-paced, so you can take as much time as you want. No matter how long it takes, do it on your own terms!

Your Coaches

Hi, we’re Andrea and Gregorio, founders of Breathe Your Freedom.
We are passionate about helping people become their best selves.

Before we discovered the power of breathwork life was very different.

In 2014, Gregorio had a life-changing breathwork journey, where he
experienced full oneness. It was love at first breath! He paused his career as an
architect to pursue his life purpose of supporting others to connect to their hearts, one breath at a time.

In 2018, Andrea was still struggling to take the leap and leave her 10-year corporate
career at Calvin Klein and L’Oreal. After the Breath of One, she ignited 
her inner power to be of service to the world.

We quickly realized, breathwork is one of the most
accessible superpowers we have.
Our job is to help you ignite that
power to become the hero of your life.

A fun fact about us: We got married eight months after our first kiss.

© 2024 breatheyourfreedom

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