Breathe Your Freedom - The Program - is now available. Join us today!

transformational coaching

When was the last time you felt ECSTATIC?

You deserve to feel pure joy EVERY DAY,
in EVERY SINGLE area of life.

We have been told we can’t have it all, and... THAT IS A LIE because, in reality, WE CAN!

After years of trial and error, we found a formula to make it happen. We will guide you and share the tools that work best for you, empowering YOU to create the life of your dreams.

By focusing on…

Healthy Habit Building:
Mindset reprogramming, for a sustainable lifestyle in relationship with your body, to create a healthy routine.

Fueling your inner fire for optimal health and performance.

Nutrition and Wellbeing:
Understanding and honoring your relationship with food, superfoods, herbs, clean beauty, and more.

Go Beyond Limits:
Breathwork, cold therapy, fasting, and more tools for longevity.

Remember how to truly love yourself, as this is the key to a magnificent life.

Transforming Heavy Emotions:
Release and transform negative emotions and traumas to make space for new opportunities.

From Fear to Courage:
Understanding limiting beliefs and transforming fears into fuel for success.

Embody Your Authentic Happiness:
Practices to cultivate daily happiness and face challenges with confidence.
Empowered Living: Learn how to remove self-doubt, and feel confident to believe in yourself and in your dreams.

Revitalize Positivity: Shift perspective to feel happy, and have the tools to face difficult moments with a smile.

Evolve Stress and Feel Peace: Mindfulness tools, meditations, and other practices to create a routine that restores inner calm and balance.

Abundance and Prosperity: Positive mindset to master your relationship with money.

Releasing Vices: Overcoming and transforming addictions, vices, and toxic habits for positive change.
A Life of Flow and Magic: Trusting in life and learning to use the heart as a guide to live in bliss.

Blissipline: Evolve discipline, and embrace an easy and enjoyable way to achieve your goals.

Equilibrium and Wholeness: Blending the masculine and feminine energies to embody your best self.

Powerful Manifesting: Bringing your dreams to life and allowing what’s meant for you to arrive with no resistance.

From Career to Purpose: Discovering your life purpose, taking inspired action, and transitioning with ease.
Thrive in Love: Create the relationship of your dreams, whether you already have one or not.

Authentic Relationships: Learn and improve conscious communication, acceptance, and relating to others with love.

Community and Service: Master the tools to serve from the heart in supporting other people in feeling better with themselves.

Regenerative Living: Evolve to your next level in supporting this planet and society to find a better balance.



Personalized transformational coaching for a step-by-step journey to upgrade the areas in your life that you feel are not as perfect as you wish.

Our unique life experiences powerfully combine to provide a rich coaching experience with different perspectives. We discovered secrets to make the journey of self-transformation fun and easy. This empowers you to find the answers inside and take action with a smile on your face.

Feel safe in a container, where you can freely share anything with us. Tailor your program to work in each session with both of us, or each one individually.
Intimate group coaching (from 4 to 6 people) where you learn, share, and grow in a community setting. Ideal to connect with a group of change-makers, committed to their evolution, that will help you in feeling supported and celebrated.

In each session, we give space to each person to ask any questions. The answers are almost always very helpful and applicable to each participant.
Our monthly coaching session, where in a group setting you can ask any question related to a variety of topics that will be chosen by your vote each month.

Join and connect, in a secret group, with a community of like-minded people that are willing to better themselves.

Meet Your Teachers


Gregorio Avanzini

We are here to remember that our life is a masterpiece and a wonderful game. Let’s play!

Gregorio transformed a past of tumultuous and destructive behavior into a life filled with joy. Going from darkness to light, activated his biggest passion and life purpose, to support others in transforming or upgrading their lives as well.

Getting a Fulbright scholarship allowed him to dream big in making a difference. His studies in architecture and his years of coaching and teaching meditation, combined with his great passion for life, support him to see the possibility of a collective transformation and a beautiful future for the earth. He feels we all have limitless potential waiting to be ignited.

His approach is to gently and happily support people in going beyond limits to remember their true essence and to truly live the life of their dreams in all aspects.

Andrea Ochoa Avanzini

Loving yourself and self-care is how you get your power back.

Working for 10 years in corporate, overcoming 12 years of binge-eating and addiction to diet pills, Andrea can relate to living a life of low self-worth. Her life experiences, deep inner work through workshops, retreats, and events gave her the insights to make the journey of self-development and loving yourself easy and approachable.

Andrea’s gentle and compassionate nature allows her to see the beauty in all of us, inspiring to feel our love inside. Her holistic approach is founded on self-love and wellness. Through cultivating a powerful wellbeing practice she empowers people to open the doors of endless possibilities to a magical life in all areas.

In addition to self-development she is passionate to support people in bringing their purpose to life with branding and creative business guidance to set the foundations for new ventures.

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